Saturday, April 10, 2010

On the Eve of My Daughter's Baptism

May the wee lass be blessed to the brim:
With the Love that comes only from Him.
With her fam'ly and friends
May her love have no ends.
For her free gift let's all sing a hymn.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Amen and Amen,
    I can say no more but Amen.
    For poetry you see,
    Is really just not me.
    So God bless you and yours and Amen.


Your comment is welcome by me.
As long as a lim'rick it be.
By God if it's not,
It's going to rot
In some com. box down under the sea.

I've found that the sonnet of love
Speaks softer than wings of a dove.
If Shakespeare found time
To write ev'ry rhyme,
You can also write verse from above.

(i.e., all comments must be in limerick, English sonnet, or another poetic form (not free verse
per se).)